Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Long Way Down

I just finished reading a book... Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down.
Well... one may expect that I'll do a review of the book.Unfortunately, I can't. I've got blogging principles and my principles are to not have useful content in my blog. I've devoted this page for talking cock. All I'm gonna say is that this book is really funny, you should read it.
I will however offer you an excerpt from the book...

"How do people, like, not curse? How is it possible? There are all these gaps in speech where you just have to put a 'fuck'. I'll tell you who the most admirable person in the world are: newscasters. If that was me, I'd be like, 'And the motherfuckers flew the fucking plane right into the twin towers.' How could you not, if you're a human being? Maybe they're not so admirable. Maybe they're robot zombies."

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