As the plane flies across the lake, my heart was filled with meloncholy as I leave everything, and everyone at the lake behind; knowing that any chance of returning is as remote as the chances of getting a pack of dingoes to babysit a toddler.
I look out my window... Sigh...
I look at my front seat pocket... and find this...

Papua New Guinea has one of the best pilots in the world. For a country as small as PNG, they have about 800 airstrips and airports that are in active service... If you include the ones that are inactive, there are almost 2000 of them. Given the inpenetrable terrain, flying is obviously the vehicle of choice. However one can never be too cautious.

As you can see, it says 'please do not remove card from aircraft'. Unfortunately, my itchy fingers got the better of me. With no flight attendants and the pilots fully concentrated on what's ahead of them (so I would like to believe), slipping this card into my bag was as simple as "(insert really bad 'stealing' analogy here)".
I however take my hats off to Amele (FPCD forester) who managed to defy the following rule...

Well, he didn't really defy the rule, he just found a loophole. It says 'no spitting bettlenut', well... he merely kept chewing without spitting, no one said 'no chewing'. But what's really amazing is that for 4 hours, he did not spit... for those of you in the dark, chewing bettlenut sends your saliva glands working overtime. I couldn't last 10 seconds without spitting. Amele, yu trupelah man.
- this blog entry is dedicated to all Global Forest Rescue Station volunteers of Lake Murray, Papua New Guinea. Lukautim bus nah lukautim arse bilong yu,
airline brochures are good for making diff instructional brochures, just for fun.
haa chi chi chi
you had "brought" PNG culture to us! Cultural exchange!!
kety kety kety
heee, ahh, what I wouldn't do for a betelnut shared on a balcony with the PNG crew right now...wish you well Chi,happy adventures, love always Cally
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