Thursday, August 09, 2007

In Defense Of Youth!

Recently, there has been a discussion thread in the Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU) Volunteer mailing list regarding lowering the minimum age limit for the programme (the current age limit is 18). Most people feel that the age limit should stay (me included). And then the following email was posted...

from : (Name Withheld)
to :
date : Aug 9, 2007 12:19 AM

I strongly agree that the age limit should be set at 18. Even 18 years old teens are already so rebellion (though not all are like this), what can we expect much from them to contribute? Besides, this is in fact a voluntary programme for the sake turtle conservation and not summer holidays camp or whatsoever, therefore I find that it will be burden for the staff to keep an eye on those KIDS. First thing first, what can they contribute? Patrolling during day time & sleep during night time? Or help to make more noise so that the atmosphere there feel better?

At the same time I do not find that KIDs under 18 years old are physically fit. Though I am in England now & I agree that English teens here are much stronger & independent, look at M'sian boys & girls. How well-built they are? I am sure majority are skinny & not so tough. Come on, mate! Can can easily be carried wawy by the waves.

Set the limit as it is. Vacations or summer holidays in Chagar Hutang is just not the right destination. I am sure if the teens are keen to join, I really believe that I can always wait for few more years or so, if they really have the intension to help. CH is always there for them! CH would not vanish over night.

Hope my opinions make sense & strong enough to support Prof Chan's stand.
(Name Withheld)

Of course, your's truly, me, could not resist posting a reply to such bigoted nonsense. Here then is my reply to the group...

from :chi too (
date :Aug 9, 2007 10:04 AM
subject :Re: [seatru_volunteers] Re: Under-aged participants

dear friends, and friends of friends friends,

how amazingly bigoted... If such is the general regard held towards youths by us adults, it is no wonder that they end up becoming what we perceive them to be... rowdy, irresponsible, party animals that can't do shit.

There seem to be a completely unfair line of reasoning here.
premise 1 : some youngsters are irresponsible and useless
premise 2 : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate irresponsible and useless behaviour
conclusion : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate youngsters.

What is my point? well, I guess most people here are smart enough to figure out what I am getting at. But for those of you who don't and insist on me having a point. Here's my point then:


To simply deny young people such an enriching experience is not only unfair, but highly myopic. And I state again, I cannot imagine a better time for a person to be passionate about issues (be it social or pop) then when they are at that kick ass opinion forming rebellious 15-18 years old. And what is so wrong about being rebellious? How does one define rebellion? Smoking a cigarette? Cutting class? Disobeying unjust rules? Swearing? Standing up against authority? Having an opinion? (well, but then again, the school system would probably repress it and claim that opinion forming should be left to universities, and universities would then claim that students should concentrate on studying).

Yes, I understand that the SEATRU team is really busy with existing work and to take this into consideration would mean more work for everybody (in terms of setting up new policies and guidelines and etcetra)... but isn't that how work works? you have loads of it, and you find yourself put in a position where you take in more. I'm quite sure that mechanisms can be put in place to ensure that youngster interested in volunteering are the real mccoy.

Seriously, if youngsters really are so irresponsible and useless as Jason claims to be, I'm pretty sure that Prof would have never allowed the MKIS kids to come every year. Testimony that kids can do more than day patrols and sleep at night. I don't know about you, but when I was 15, all I wanted to do was to stay up late (and not sleep if allowed...)

I however, have a confession to make... I can't stand kids, especially youngsters, and I especially don't fancy having a 15 year old in Chagar Hutang with me. However, to deny a youngster such an enriching experience simply because of my own preferences is not only unfair and selfish, it reeks of elitism. I also believe that having no one to speak up on their behalf in this mailing group (any 15-17 year olds here? gimme a 'woot! woot!'), someone ought to. This is also what happens when one was rebellious as a teenager, we like to take complete opposite sides of popular opinions (even the ones i agree with) to see if such opinions are valid and reasonable, and is not merely a result of herd behaviour.

To end this exhaustively long e-mail, I would like to now form another line of reasoning based on (Name Withheld)'s methodology.
premise 1 : some people are irresponsible and useless
premise 2 : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate irresponsible and useless behaviour
conclusion : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate people.

Thank you very much. I hope my opinions make sense and is strong enough to sway Prof Chan's stand.

Yang menjalankan tugas,
chi too
Just an old cynic who harbored desires to see a turtle since he was 12.


lainieyeoh said...

..omg. is that person trying to poke fire or something? because that email made no sense, and i wanted to smack the person as i read it.

........sounds like such a jerk.

lainieyeoh said...

You wanna help the turtles....? CANNOT. YOU ARE TOO YOUNG. go join rakan muda or something.

....shit. i am actually pissed after readin that email. you sure it wasn't an attempt to poke fire?

cause for someone complaining about immature children...that whole email reeked of the kind of personality i wouldn't want in a camp with me.

chi too said...

I seriously don't think he is poking fire... I think he is for real. Someone with such horrible Engrand (and mind you is living in Engrand) is probably incapable of poking fire... well, even if he is, he is not very good at it.

Anonymous said...

why are you always so rebellion.