Saturday, January 30, 2010

Once Upon A Time (about 2 years ago)

Sometime ago, perhaps about 2 years ago, I got angry at you for no reason at all. Well, there was a reason, but it cannot be said at all that it is of any fault of yours at all. I remember I was just really frustrated at all that was happening that day. The day just started bad, and it went from bad to worse, and it just progressively became worse. Slowly, the degradation of the day became exponential.

It was then that I received your text message and I just blew my top at you.

For no reason at all.

That of course must have made you really mad and it was then that I realized that it was really terrible of me.

I apologized.

That night, we went to the movies and watched a really funny film. I apologized again for what happened earlier in the day and the day ended well.

Little do I realize that in about 4 months time, It's going to go so badly, that nothing that day can be compared to it.

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