Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Wish...

I wish Mahathir would shut up.

I wish the press would start asking Mahathir, 'What about when you turned Malaysia into a police state'.

I wish the crime beat police could be half as effecient as the political beat police.

I wish I can write this without the fear of having the political beat police reading this.

I wish I can stop fearing the political beat police.

I wish I can stop fearing.

I wish I can stop wishing.


Anonymous said...

yes, let's stop fearing. let's not stop wishing. wishing with you.

chi too said...

i'd like to stop wishing one day...
i am naive enough to believe that an utopia is actually possible one day.

Collecting Moments said...

muhahahaha i just read it, now i will tell my gang gang.