Friday, March 23, 2007

In A Luang Phabang State Of Mind

I've been told many times that there are many more places in this world than Luang Phabang. It is thus unfortunate that most people are fools (possibly, me myself included).

In what ways is it possible for me to explain to them that this is the place where my heart really belongs, and when one's heart is possessed by a certain entity, one would never cease to draw himself closer to it. I am amazed at how despite being in a land so far away, I can still walk down the streets and not feel like I am in a foreign land at all.

How did this familarity brew when my total existence here at most consisted no more than a short parenthesis in this infinite macabre of a novel that is my life. Even I fail to understand, how then do I expect a fool to do the same.

Do I long to seek these answers or do I rather choose to stay here and romantisize the idea of this enigma.

If only the heightened sense of clarity that fills the air here would be of help.

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