Monday, July 16, 2007

Continuing Misadventures Of The Adventure Drama Queens

Kiki : Can I use your Brazil nuts?
Gigi : No, keep your hands off my Brazil nuts.
Kiki : But your Brazil nuts feel so good...
Gigi : Of course, they're Brazillian.
Kiki : Please...
Gigi : OK... you can have my Brazil nuts... But be careful.
Kiki : Thank you. I'll handle your Brazil nuts with care.

ps: The above conversation may not be 100% accurate. It may not even be 50% accurate. In fact, it can be a fictional piece of fantasy imagined by the author. I don't know...I can't be sure, when the conversation took place, A song was playing in my head, I had too little sleep for 3 nights, and just had the most painful thing inflicted on me. Incoherent.


Anonymous said...

FYI: Kiki recently acquired her own Brazil nuts. No need yours now :p

Anonymous said...

I demand a letter of apology nation-wide, or I'd litigate your ass!!!