Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Trilogi Jiwa (bahagian 2) : Beruang Makan Nasi
Di sekitar tahun 1980an, ada seekor beruang bernama Tony yang tinggal bersama kawan-kawan bujangnya di sebuah rumah bujang yang terletak di Kampung Pandan. Tony bekerja sebagai seekor beruang sarkis di sebuah sarkis yang terletak di berdekatan rumahnya. Kerana terlalu penat melompat gelang api dan menunggang basikal satu roda sepanjang malam, Tony biasanya gemarkan tidur, terutamanya tidur yang berpanjangan (atau terma saintifiknya, hibernasi).
Pada suatu hari, setelah berhibernasi selama 3 hari 3 malam, Tony bangun dengan perasaan lapar yang amat sangat dalam perutnya. Walaupun terasa sebegitu lapar, sebagai seekor beruang yang beretika, Tony masih, dengan penuh disiplinnya, mandi wajib dan menggosok gigi sebelum menjamah makanannya di meja makan. Setelah sudah kering setiap bulu pada badannya, Tony pun menuju ke dapur rumahnya dengan harapan kawan-kawannya ada meninggalkan makanan dari semalam.
Tony membuka peti sejuk. Alangkah terkejutnya apabila Tony mendapati yang peti sejuknya kosong, air kosong setitik pun tiada. Apabila dia membuka almari dapur, sama juga...segala-galanya kosong. Yang ada, hanyalah semangkuk nasi kosong do bawah tudung saji. Tony mendakap mangkuk itu ke hidungnya, baunya boleh tahan, walaupun nasi dari semalam, masih boleh makan lagi. Tony melihat sekelilingnya mencari lauk yang boleh menemani nasi kosongnya. Langsung tiada, yang ada hanya kicap pekat dan garam halus... 'Bleahhh, kalau sekadar kicap dan garam, tak payahlah, apa kelas', kata Tony. 'Saya rasa kalau begini, saya nak pergi ke bandar cari makan lah' tambahnya. Ketika ini, Tony tiba tiba terasa pelik, dia bertanya bagaimana seekor beruang seperti dirinya boleh pandai bercakap. Dan jika beliau begitu pandai bercakap, kenapa pula dia masih melompat gelang api dan menunggang basikal? Bukanka seekor beruang yang pandai bercakap lebih menarik dari seekor beruang yang boleh melakukan aksi aksi ngeri. Beliau hairan.
Disebabkan kehilangan selera melihat nasi kosong itu, Tony segera menaiki bas mini nombor 25 ke Menara Maybank di bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Perut Tony semakin lapar. Ketika sampai ke bandaraya, Tony segera mencari warung makan di lorong lorong belakang di Jalan Tun H.S. Lee. Terdapat banyak warung warung makan di lorong lorong belakang di bandaraya, namun tiada satu yang menarik citarasanya. Bukan setakat itu, lorong lorong belakang yang sebegitu kotor itu kian memualkan dia... seleranya kehilangan.
Beliau terus berjalan sehinggalah ke perkarangan Jalan Silang (yang sekarangnya digelar Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin) dimana mana beliau terbeliak melihat huruf M berwarna kuning yang sebegitu besar itu. Air liurnya meleleh, jus perutnya bergelora. Tanpa berfikir panjang, Tony terus memasuki restoran McDonalds yang berhawa dingin itu. 'Burger keju, kentang goreng, dan air Coke' katanya kepada pelayan di kaunter restoran itu. '6 ringgit 28 sen' jawab pelayan itu. Tony menyeluk tangannya kedalam saku meraba raba mencari duit... alangkah kecewanya beliau apabila mendapati yang beliau hanya mempunyai wang sebanyak 2 ringgit 30 sen sahaja. Dengan rasa segan, Tony menanya pelayan itu 'Kalau nak kentang goreng sahaja berapa yea?', '1 ringgit 92 sen' jawab pelayan itu. 'Kalau begitu, nak kentang goreng sahajalah'.
Di suatu sudut, Tony terjumpa sebuah tempat duduk yang kosong. Tanpa mambazir masa, Tony segera membaham segala gala kentang goreng yang ada pada penghidangnya. Dalam masa kurang dari 2 minit, maka habislah kentang gorengnya. 'Begitu sedap sekali' fikirnya... 'walaupun tanpa mencecah kicap tomato atau sos cili'. Begitulah nasib Tony, setiap kali beliau makan di restoran makanan segera, beliau akan melupakan tentang sos sos kerana saiz paketnya yang kecil dan saiz tangannya yang besar menyukarkannya untuk membuka paket paket sos di sana. Tambahan pula jarinya semua pendek pendek belaka.
'Ah...' kata Tony sambil meraba perutnya dengan rasa puas. Namun, Tony masih berasa lapar. Apa kan tidak, hanya kentang goreng sahaja, mustahil ia boleh mengenyangkan seorang manusia, apatah lagi seekor beruang dewasa yang tingginya 6 kaki 7 inci. Tapi, apakandaya, duit di kocek tidak cukup, hari pun sudah mahu lewat. Tony bercadang untuk balik ke rumah sahaja agar beliau boleh sambung tidur, alang alang boleh melupakan rasa laparnya.
Setelah sampai ke perhentian bas, Tony meraba koceknya untuk mengambil tambang bas. Alangkah terkejutnya apabila beliau mendapati yang beliau hanya tinggal 38 sen sahaja. Tambang bas mini nombor 25 60 sen. Mana cukup? Beliau terfikir untuk menanya orang ramai untuk sedekahkan kepadanya duit 30 sen kalau boleh. Tapi memang mustahil, until beliau berbuat begitu, maruahnya terlalu tinggi, lagipun, apabila beliau cuba bercakap dengan orang lain, mereka biasanya lari lintang pukang... terkejut melihat seekor beruang yang boleh berkata kata.
Oleh itu, dengan hati yang berat dan perut yang lapar, beliau membuat keputusan untuk berjalan kaki balik ke rumah.
Tony berjalan...
Sudah 3 buah bas mini nombor 25 melaluinya....
Beliau masih berjalan... sang suria semakin rendah...
Beliau masih berjalan... hari sudah pun gelap...
Beliau kepenatan.
Sudah 2 jam berjalan, barulah belaiu sampai ke pintu rumahnya di Kampung Pandan. Kepenatan beliau tidak terhingga, kelaparannya pula, tidak terkata. Namun begitu beliau hanya mahu tidur sahaja.
Apabila Tony masuk ke dalam dapur rumahnya, matanya bersinar melihat sebiji mangkuk diatas meja makannya. Kelihatan di sudut matanya, nasi putih yang ditinggalkannya siang tadi. Tanpa membazir masa, Tony mencapai mangkuk itu dan menghabiskan nasi itu dengan gelojoh.
Perut Tony kenyang, hatinya senang, Tony kembali tidur di katilnya bermimpikan mimpi indah yang mengukir senyuman di bibirnya.
Pada suatu hari, setelah berhibernasi selama 3 hari 3 malam, Tony bangun dengan perasaan lapar yang amat sangat dalam perutnya. Walaupun terasa sebegitu lapar, sebagai seekor beruang yang beretika, Tony masih, dengan penuh disiplinnya, mandi wajib dan menggosok gigi sebelum menjamah makanannya di meja makan. Setelah sudah kering setiap bulu pada badannya, Tony pun menuju ke dapur rumahnya dengan harapan kawan-kawannya ada meninggalkan makanan dari semalam.
Tony membuka peti sejuk. Alangkah terkejutnya apabila Tony mendapati yang peti sejuknya kosong, air kosong setitik pun tiada. Apabila dia membuka almari dapur, sama juga...segala-galanya kosong. Yang ada, hanyalah semangkuk nasi kosong do bawah tudung saji. Tony mendakap mangkuk itu ke hidungnya, baunya boleh tahan, walaupun nasi dari semalam, masih boleh makan lagi. Tony melihat sekelilingnya mencari lauk yang boleh menemani nasi kosongnya. Langsung tiada, yang ada hanya kicap pekat dan garam halus... 'Bleahhh, kalau sekadar kicap dan garam, tak payahlah, apa kelas', kata Tony. 'Saya rasa kalau begini, saya nak pergi ke bandar cari makan lah' tambahnya. Ketika ini, Tony tiba tiba terasa pelik, dia bertanya bagaimana seekor beruang seperti dirinya boleh pandai bercakap. Dan jika beliau begitu pandai bercakap, kenapa pula dia masih melompat gelang api dan menunggang basikal? Bukanka seekor beruang yang pandai bercakap lebih menarik dari seekor beruang yang boleh melakukan aksi aksi ngeri. Beliau hairan.
Disebabkan kehilangan selera melihat nasi kosong itu, Tony segera menaiki bas mini nombor 25 ke Menara Maybank di bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Perut Tony semakin lapar. Ketika sampai ke bandaraya, Tony segera mencari warung makan di lorong lorong belakang di Jalan Tun H.S. Lee. Terdapat banyak warung warung makan di lorong lorong belakang di bandaraya, namun tiada satu yang menarik citarasanya. Bukan setakat itu, lorong lorong belakang yang sebegitu kotor itu kian memualkan dia... seleranya kehilangan.
Beliau terus berjalan sehinggalah ke perkarangan Jalan Silang (yang sekarangnya digelar Jalan Tun Tan Siew Sin) dimana mana beliau terbeliak melihat huruf M berwarna kuning yang sebegitu besar itu. Air liurnya meleleh, jus perutnya bergelora. Tanpa berfikir panjang, Tony terus memasuki restoran McDonalds yang berhawa dingin itu. 'Burger keju, kentang goreng, dan air Coke' katanya kepada pelayan di kaunter restoran itu. '6 ringgit 28 sen' jawab pelayan itu. Tony menyeluk tangannya kedalam saku meraba raba mencari duit... alangkah kecewanya beliau apabila mendapati yang beliau hanya mempunyai wang sebanyak 2 ringgit 30 sen sahaja. Dengan rasa segan, Tony menanya pelayan itu 'Kalau nak kentang goreng sahaja berapa yea?', '1 ringgit 92 sen' jawab pelayan itu. 'Kalau begitu, nak kentang goreng sahajalah'.
Di suatu sudut, Tony terjumpa sebuah tempat duduk yang kosong. Tanpa mambazir masa, Tony segera membaham segala gala kentang goreng yang ada pada penghidangnya. Dalam masa kurang dari 2 minit, maka habislah kentang gorengnya. 'Begitu sedap sekali' fikirnya... 'walaupun tanpa mencecah kicap tomato atau sos cili'. Begitulah nasib Tony, setiap kali beliau makan di restoran makanan segera, beliau akan melupakan tentang sos sos kerana saiz paketnya yang kecil dan saiz tangannya yang besar menyukarkannya untuk membuka paket paket sos di sana. Tambahan pula jarinya semua pendek pendek belaka.
'Ah...' kata Tony sambil meraba perutnya dengan rasa puas. Namun, Tony masih berasa lapar. Apa kan tidak, hanya kentang goreng sahaja, mustahil ia boleh mengenyangkan seorang manusia, apatah lagi seekor beruang dewasa yang tingginya 6 kaki 7 inci. Tapi, apakandaya, duit di kocek tidak cukup, hari pun sudah mahu lewat. Tony bercadang untuk balik ke rumah sahaja agar beliau boleh sambung tidur, alang alang boleh melupakan rasa laparnya.
Setelah sampai ke perhentian bas, Tony meraba koceknya untuk mengambil tambang bas. Alangkah terkejutnya apabila beliau mendapati yang beliau hanya tinggal 38 sen sahaja. Tambang bas mini nombor 25 60 sen. Mana cukup? Beliau terfikir untuk menanya orang ramai untuk sedekahkan kepadanya duit 30 sen kalau boleh. Tapi memang mustahil, until beliau berbuat begitu, maruahnya terlalu tinggi, lagipun, apabila beliau cuba bercakap dengan orang lain, mereka biasanya lari lintang pukang... terkejut melihat seekor beruang yang boleh berkata kata.
Oleh itu, dengan hati yang berat dan perut yang lapar, beliau membuat keputusan untuk berjalan kaki balik ke rumah.
Tony berjalan...
Sudah 3 buah bas mini nombor 25 melaluinya....
Beliau masih berjalan... sang suria semakin rendah...
Beliau masih berjalan... hari sudah pun gelap...
Beliau kepenatan.
Sudah 2 jam berjalan, barulah belaiu sampai ke pintu rumahnya di Kampung Pandan. Kepenatan beliau tidak terhingga, kelaparannya pula, tidak terkata. Namun begitu beliau hanya mahu tidur sahaja.
Apabila Tony masuk ke dalam dapur rumahnya, matanya bersinar melihat sebiji mangkuk diatas meja makannya. Kelihatan di sudut matanya, nasi putih yang ditinggalkannya siang tadi. Tanpa membazir masa, Tony mencapai mangkuk itu dan menghabiskan nasi itu dengan gelojoh.
Perut Tony kenyang, hatinya senang, Tony kembali tidur di katilnya bermimpikan mimpi indah yang mengukir senyuman di bibirnya.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Major Jerk Off Post.
People are idiots...
But please don't be mistaken, in reality I am really a form of pure energy.
It's just that I manifest my existence in the physical form of a person...
I don't think you people can deal with what I really am, lest I blow your minds away.
PS: I love all of you.
But please don't be mistaken, in reality I am really a form of pure energy.
It's just that I manifest my existence in the physical form of a person...
I don't think you people can deal with what I really am, lest I blow your minds away.
PS: I love all of you.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Post Number 200!
As the nation celebrates its 50th year of independence, I'd like to celebrate my 200th blog entry (though many would dispute that a number of my entries would not qualify as valid entries). For the past couple of days, I've been restraining myself from posting anything as I've resolved to ensure that this 200th one would be special and meaningful. It is not easy to not subject you, my imaginary reader (what I've always believe is a mere schizophrenic construction in my head) to my usual dose of random thoughts, non-thoughts, and brain farts. It takes a great deal of discipline to not post such single line blog entries such as 'encased in a logic proof plastic bag.' or 'drinking soup from the far end of the bowl'.
No, it was not easy. So much so that, for lack of material (and... and audience), I almost resorted to shutting down [tentative working title]. It's about due time anyway. When I first set up this blog, I gave myself 3 months before I'd start losing interest in it. It has been more than a year now ever since the end of that self imposed expiration date. But of course, back then I have failed to take into account a very important variable... that being my shameless narcissism.
Many have complaint over the year and a half my blog's been around that it lacks any sense of clarity, neither does it present you with an inkling of my day to day activities and thoughts. In response to this, I think the time is right to repost my first blog entry to emphasize once again the spirit of my blog... here goes...

It has appeared to me that over time, i've slowly lost my sense of clarity and i am now diving headlong into an obscure oblivion. I would attribute it to my inablility to make sense of my surroundings as my understanding of myself, the people, and the environment around me become more arcane; when in my search for the questions that haunt me, in demands for answers, i find myself bogged down by more questions whenever one gets answered. Every answer poses a thousand more questions.
Should I stop seeking? Should I stop questioning? Should I stop existing? Ironically, any answer to any of the above question will breed in itself more questions to ask myself.
No, it was not easy. So much so that, for lack of material (and... and audience), I almost resorted to shutting down [tentative working title]. It's about due time anyway. When I first set up this blog, I gave myself 3 months before I'd start losing interest in it. It has been more than a year now ever since the end of that self imposed expiration date. But of course, back then I have failed to take into account a very important variable... that being my shameless narcissism.
Many have complaint over the year and a half my blog's been around that it lacks any sense of clarity, neither does it present you with an inkling of my day to day activities and thoughts. In response to this, I think the time is right to repost my first blog entry to emphasize once again the spirit of my blog... here goes...

It has appeared to me that over time, i've slowly lost my sense of clarity and i am now diving headlong into an obscure oblivion. I would attribute it to my inablility to make sense of my surroundings as my understanding of myself, the people, and the environment around me become more arcane; when in my search for the questions that haunt me, in demands for answers, i find myself bogged down by more questions whenever one gets answered. Every answer poses a thousand more questions.
Should I stop seeking? Should I stop questioning? Should I stop existing? Ironically, any answer to any of the above question will breed in itself more questions to ask myself.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Schizophrenic Parables
Once upon a time, a lonely rich man sought the help of an acquaintance to recover his buried treasure in the desert. They agreed to share the bounty equally if the aquantaince agrees to do all the digging. The aquantiance had his reservations initially but felt that it is only fair since the rich man has the knowledge to the whereabouts of the treasure.
After roaming about the desert for seven days on camelback, they finally reach the spot marked 'X'.
The aquaintance began to dig with his shovel.
Beaten by the fierce Saharan sun, beads of sweat flow like a river in this barren desert as he tirelessly push his shovel into the Saharan sand.
He digs deeper...
...and deeper...
...and deeper...
Still the treasure is not in sight. He questions the rich man, to which answers that the treasure is buried really deep.
After digging for more than two days tirelessly without food or water, the acquaintance finally died.
Seeing this, the rich man sighed and with his own shovel covered the hole with sand.
After roaming about the desert for seven days on camelback, they finally reach the spot marked 'X'.
The aquaintance began to dig with his shovel.
Beaten by the fierce Saharan sun, beads of sweat flow like a river in this barren desert as he tirelessly push his shovel into the Saharan sand.
He digs deeper...
...and deeper...
...and deeper...
Still the treasure is not in sight. He questions the rich man, to which answers that the treasure is buried really deep.
After digging for more than two days tirelessly without food or water, the acquaintance finally died.
Seeing this, the rich man sighed and with his own shovel covered the hole with sand.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
All That Jazz
Over the weekend, I went to two jazz thingamajiggas on two consecutive nights.
thingamajigga numero uno...
'Jazz And Your Sense Of Humour' at the Top Room on Friday night.
The David Gomez Trio collaborates with a few people from Instant Cafe Theatre... Junji, Maya Tan, Shantini Venugopal, and Edwin Sumun. There were 3 sets altogether, 2 of them was the trio playing with either one of the ICT people singing. Maya, Shantini, and Edwin are like totally jazz virgins, and for virgins I have to say they put up a really good show. I especially enjoyed Edwin's sets... very entertaining, the only downside to it was that David's grand piano had an open top. It would have been nice to see Edwin climb on top of the piano doing the tra la la with David. The third set, was the ICT people performing some new musical material written by Junji, which I soon realize that I've been Junji's guinea pig while we were recording in the studio these past couple of wewks. Despite that, it was still funny... no one was spared, Dr.M, Pak Lah, Namewee, Mat Rempits, even Gloria Arroyo. Best 35 ringgit I spent for the week. Though it's kinda weird to have to pay to watch the David Gomez trio play when I usually get paid to listen to them play.
'The Sunrise Digi Jazz Festival' at Sunrise Plaza Mont' Kiara on Saturday night.
Bleah. If they mean Jazz Festival as in Jazz as in how I would say ' know, and all that jazz' as in how I would say ' know, and all that shit', then yes, this would then be a Jazz Festival. When we arrived, Shannon Shah was playing. Please excuse me, I really like Shannon... but seriously, jazz he is not... neither would people like Zainal Abidin, Sheila Majid, nor APU (with all due respect, I like APU too) should be considered jazz (unless of you're one of those people whose point of reference for jazz is Dave Koz and Kenny G). It is sad, but one can see how uncomfortable Shannon was on stage (far cry from the Shannon I usually watch)... I don't blame him, with a sound engineer like the one that mixed for the event, I would be too. This sound dude singlehandedly changed the name of the festival to 'The Sunrise Digi Kick Drum Festival'. I can't hear nothing but the kick drum. Shanon's voice was drowned in so much reverb I can barely hear what he's saying even when he is just bantering, what more when the band kicks in. Shanon's piano? His piano was like a mythical creature that everyone has heard of from someone else, but will never hear of themselves.
Then next came 'Funk Mob', a band headlined by John Thomas... Josie Thomas' son. I first heard John play about 8 years ago I think...then he was still a teenager. Back then, I felt that he had technique, but lacked soul. Unfortunately, now that he's 23 already, he still lacks soul, but I'll give him credit for having improved his technique. I'd hate to say this (thank god no one reads this blog), but the 'Funk Mob' unfortunately feels like nothing more than a masturbatory band made up of a bunch of kids who are eager to show the world how great they are with their instruments. Throughout the 2 songs that I cared to stay back for, every single member of the band performed a solo which they took all the way to China (and sometimes Alaska) before coming back to earth... the solos are impressive, but does nothing for the song itself.
Sigh... and fucking hell, 'Tonight only, Parking : RM 6 per entry'... what a rip off. Bastards.
It is unfortunate, but I think after Friday nite at Top Room, the 'Jazz' fest just paled in comparison... will definitely not go again.
disclaimer: I am not a qualified music critic, neither am I a qualified critic of any sort. If you are unhappy or disagree with this post, I would suggest that you go to the Sunrise Digi Jazz Festival.
thingamajigga numero uno...
'Jazz And Your Sense Of Humour' at the Top Room on Friday night.
The David Gomez Trio collaborates with a few people from Instant Cafe Theatre... Junji, Maya Tan, Shantini Venugopal, and Edwin Sumun. There were 3 sets altogether, 2 of them was the trio playing with either one of the ICT people singing. Maya, Shantini, and Edwin are like totally jazz virgins, and for virgins I have to say they put up a really good show. I especially enjoyed Edwin's sets... very entertaining, the only downside to it was that David's grand piano had an open top. It would have been nice to see Edwin climb on top of the piano doing the tra la la with David. The third set, was the ICT people performing some new musical material written by Junji, which I soon realize that I've been Junji's guinea pig while we were recording in the studio these past couple of wewks. Despite that, it was still funny... no one was spared, Dr.M, Pak Lah, Namewee, Mat Rempits, even Gloria Arroyo. Best 35 ringgit I spent for the week. Though it's kinda weird to have to pay to watch the David Gomez trio play when I usually get paid to listen to them play.
'The Sunrise Digi Jazz Festival' at Sunrise Plaza Mont' Kiara on Saturday night.
Bleah. If they mean Jazz Festival as in Jazz as in how I would say ' know, and all that jazz' as in how I would say ' know, and all that shit', then yes, this would then be a Jazz Festival. When we arrived, Shannon Shah was playing. Please excuse me, I really like Shannon... but seriously, jazz he is not... neither would people like Zainal Abidin, Sheila Majid, nor APU (with all due respect, I like APU too) should be considered jazz (unless of you're one of those people whose point of reference for jazz is Dave Koz and Kenny G). It is sad, but one can see how uncomfortable Shannon was on stage (far cry from the Shannon I usually watch)... I don't blame him, with a sound engineer like the one that mixed for the event, I would be too. This sound dude singlehandedly changed the name of the festival to 'The Sunrise Digi Kick Drum Festival'. I can't hear nothing but the kick drum. Shanon's voice was drowned in so much reverb I can barely hear what he's saying even when he is just bantering, what more when the band kicks in. Shanon's piano? His piano was like a mythical creature that everyone has heard of from someone else, but will never hear of themselves.
Then next came 'Funk Mob', a band headlined by John Thomas... Josie Thomas' son. I first heard John play about 8 years ago I think...then he was still a teenager. Back then, I felt that he had technique, but lacked soul. Unfortunately, now that he's 23 already, he still lacks soul, but I'll give him credit for having improved his technique. I'd hate to say this (thank god no one reads this blog), but the 'Funk Mob' unfortunately feels like nothing more than a masturbatory band made up of a bunch of kids who are eager to show the world how great they are with their instruments. Throughout the 2 songs that I cared to stay back for, every single member of the band performed a solo which they took all the way to China (and sometimes Alaska) before coming back to earth... the solos are impressive, but does nothing for the song itself.
Sigh... and fucking hell, 'Tonight only, Parking : RM 6 per entry'... what a rip off. Bastards.
It is unfortunate, but I think after Friday nite at Top Room, the 'Jazz' fest just paled in comparison... will definitely not go again.
disclaimer: I am not a qualified music critic, neither am I a qualified critic of any sort. If you are unhappy or disagree with this post, I would suggest that you go to the Sunrise Digi Jazz Festival.
A Poem That's Really An Apology
I did a bad bad thing...
I thought it was funny.
But it really isn't...
It might have sound like what it was
But it really isn't...
One would think that this is a poem
But it really isn't.
Please don't think too much about it
It really isn't.
I thought it was funny.
But it really isn't...
It might have sound like what it was
But it really isn't...
One would think that this is a poem
But it really isn't.
Please don't think too much about it
It really isn't.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Not In My Name
“The offence was not against the Prime Minister or ministers concerned but against the nation,” Nazri told reporters...
-extracted form The Star, August 17 2007-
Sorry Nazri, in no way was I offended by the Namewee's Negarakuku clip. Not only that, I feel that this is a necessary piece of work that would help shape the maturity of the nation (which, given the current manner the government is handling this issue, is obviously lacking... not so much the people of this nation, but the powers to be)
So please, don't use my existence in vain... I will, under no circumstance allow myself to be involved in your petty politikus. Please count me out. If anything, I am offended by your claims of me (being part of the nation) being offended by Namewee.
Unless of course, you, Mr. Internal Security Minister do not consider me as part of the nation.
Oh sorry, I forgot. In Malaysia, my citizenship is a privelege, not a right. How naive of me to think otherwise.
-extracted form The Star, August 17 2007-
Sorry Nazri, in no way was I offended by the Namewee's Negarakuku clip. Not only that, I feel that this is a necessary piece of work that would help shape the maturity of the nation (which, given the current manner the government is handling this issue, is obviously lacking... not so much the people of this nation, but the powers to be)
So please, don't use my existence in vain... I will, under no circumstance allow myself to be involved in your petty politikus. Please count me out. If anything, I am offended by your claims of me (being part of the nation) being offended by Namewee.
Unless of course, you, Mr. Internal Security Minister do not consider me as part of the nation.
Oh sorry, I forgot. In Malaysia, my citizenship is a privelege, not a right. How naive of me to think otherwise.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I Want 2 Things
I want 2 things now..
1) A good cup of latte
2) A slice of cake smothered with decadence
On my time wasting marathon today I saw the new apple keyboard in person. I also want that.
Ever since I got my new 24" widescreen monitor I realized I've been such a geek... I can't believe I'm drolling over a keyboard. By the way, here's a photo of my new monitor

OK. So I really want 3 things. There are also alot of other things that I want, but I'm not gonna tell.
1) A good cup of latte
2) A slice of cake smothered with decadence
On my time wasting marathon today I saw the new apple keyboard in person. I also want that.
Ever since I got my new 24" widescreen monitor I realized I've been such a geek... I can't believe I'm drolling over a keyboard. By the way, here's a photo of my new monitor

OK. So I really want 3 things. There are also alot of other things that I want, but I'm not gonna tell.
Kena Reject...
In Pursuit Of Laziness II (POLIS)
I've got lots of work to do... but am yet too lazy to do anything... I want to have cake and coffee.
But instead I'll sing this song to you...
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (Didilidi...)
Here they are all lined up in a row (Didilididilidi)
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
Listen to what the doctor says...
He says...
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (Didilidi...)
Here they are all lined up in a row (Didilididilidi)
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
Listen to what the doctor says...
He says...
(And now lets kick back and bring the beat down 2 notchess and bring in the horn section)
I've got a lovely pair of coconuts (Didilidi...)
Here they are both lined up in a row (Didilididilidi)
Big ones, small ones, some as... Ohh excuse me, they're all big...
Listen to what the doctor says...
He says...
This post is dedicated to Pook, Luke, Cally, Reza, Matt, and the rest of the motley crew at the Boboa Station Primary School, Lake Murray, Papua New Guinea.
But instead I'll sing this song to you...
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (Didilidi...)
Here they are all lined up in a row (Didilididilidi)
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
Listen to what the doctor says...
He says...
I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (Didilidi...)
Here they are all lined up in a row (Didilididilidi)
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...
Listen to what the doctor says...
He says...
(And now lets kick back and bring the beat down 2 notchess and bring in the horn section)
I've got a lovely pair of coconuts (Didilidi...)
Here they are both lined up in a row (Didilididilidi)
Big ones, small ones, some as... Ohh excuse me, they're all big...
Listen to what the doctor says...
He says...
This post is dedicated to Pook, Luke, Cally, Reza, Matt, and the rest of the motley crew at the Boboa Station Primary School, Lake Murray, Papua New Guinea.
Monday, August 13, 2007
There's Something About Miri
As a self proclaimed pop-ho-capitalist-bourgeoisis-marxists, the following video is rated 'superkawaiicoolomatic'. I want a monogram somthing now.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bow To The Genius Of Panda Head Curry!
Panda Head Curry have finally made a music video for themselves. Although 'Samy' is not my favourite track in their debut album 'One Thousand Homo Humpbacks', it has nonetheless smittened me with its pure genius and flawless execution.
Woe to me! I should stop making films altogether until I get to learn under the tutelage of Panda Head Curry!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
In Defense Of Youth!
Recently, there has been a discussion thread in the Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU) Volunteer mailing list regarding lowering the minimum age limit for the programme (the current age limit is 18). Most people feel that the age limit should stay (me included). And then the following email was posted...
from : (Name Withheld)
to :
date : Aug 9, 2007 12:19 AM
I strongly agree that the age limit should be set at 18. Even 18 years old teens are already so rebellion (though not all are like this), what can we expect much from them to contribute? Besides, this is in fact a voluntary programme for the sake turtle conservation and not summer holidays camp or whatsoever, therefore I find that it will be burden for the staff to keep an eye on those KIDS. First thing first, what can they contribute? Patrolling during day time & sleep during night time? Or help to make more noise so that the atmosphere there feel better?
At the same time I do not find that KIDs under 18 years old are physically fit. Though I am in England now & I agree that English teens here are much stronger & independent, look at M'sian boys & girls. How well-built they are? I am sure majority are skinny & not so tough. Come on, mate! Can can easily be carried wawy by the waves.
Set the limit as it is. Vacations or summer holidays in Chagar Hutang is just not the right destination. I am sure if the teens are keen to join, I really believe that I can always wait for few more years or so, if they really have the intension to help. CH is always there for them! CH would not vanish over night.
Hope my opinions make sense & strong enough to support Prof Chan's stand.
(Name Withheld)
Of course, your's truly, me, could not resist posting a reply to such bigoted nonsense. Here then is my reply to the group...
from :chi too (
date :Aug 9, 2007 10:04 AM
subject :Re: [seatru_volunteers] Re: Under-aged participants
dear friends, and friends of friends friends,
how amazingly bigoted... If such is the general regard held towards youths by us adults, it is no wonder that they end up becoming what we perceive them to be... rowdy, irresponsible, party animals that can't do shit.
There seem to be a completely unfair line of reasoning here.
premise 1 : some youngsters are irresponsible and useless
premise 2 : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate irresponsible and useless behaviour
conclusion : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate youngsters.
What is my point? well, I guess most people here are smart enough to figure out what I am getting at. But for those of you who don't and insist on me having a point. Here's my point then:
To simply deny young people such an enriching experience is not only unfair, but highly myopic. And I state again, I cannot imagine a better time for a person to be passionate about issues (be it social or pop) then when they are at that kick ass opinion forming rebellious 15-18 years old. And what is so wrong about being rebellious? How does one define rebellion? Smoking a cigarette? Cutting class? Disobeying unjust rules? Swearing? Standing up against authority? Having an opinion? (well, but then again, the school system would probably repress it and claim that opinion forming should be left to universities, and universities would then claim that students should concentrate on studying).
Yes, I understand that the SEATRU team is really busy with existing work and to take this into consideration would mean more work for everybody (in terms of setting up new policies and guidelines and etcetra)... but isn't that how work works? you have loads of it, and you find yourself put in a position where you take in more. I'm quite sure that mechanisms can be put in place to ensure that youngster interested in volunteering are the real mccoy.
Seriously, if youngsters really are so irresponsible and useless as Jason claims to be, I'm pretty sure that Prof would have never allowed the MKIS kids to come every year. Testimony that kids can do more than day patrols and sleep at night. I don't know about you, but when I was 15, all I wanted to do was to stay up late (and not sleep if allowed...)
I however, have a confession to make... I can't stand kids, especially youngsters, and I especially don't fancy having a 15 year old in Chagar Hutang with me. However, to deny a youngster such an enriching experience simply because of my own preferences is not only unfair and selfish, it reeks of elitism. I also believe that having no one to speak up on their behalf in this mailing group (any 15-17 year olds here? gimme a 'woot! woot!'), someone ought to. This is also what happens when one was rebellious as a teenager, we like to take complete opposite sides of popular opinions (even the ones i agree with) to see if such opinions are valid and reasonable, and is not merely a result of herd behaviour.
To end this exhaustively long e-mail, I would like to now form another line of reasoning based on (Name Withheld)'s methodology.
premise 1 : some people are irresponsible and useless
premise 2 : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate irresponsible and useless behaviour
conclusion : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate people.
Thank you very much. I hope my opinions make sense and is strong enough to sway Prof Chan's stand.
Yang menjalankan tugas,
chi too
Just an old cynic who harbored desires to see a turtle since he was 12.
from : (Name Withheld)
to :
date : Aug 9, 2007 12:19 AM
I strongly agree that the age limit should be set at 18. Even 18 years old teens are already so rebellion (though not all are like this), what can we expect much from them to contribute? Besides, this is in fact a voluntary programme for the sake turtle conservation and not summer holidays camp or whatsoever, therefore I find that it will be burden for the staff to keep an eye on those KIDS. First thing first, what can they contribute? Patrolling during day time & sleep during night time? Or help to make more noise so that the atmosphere there feel better?
At the same time I do not find that KIDs under 18 years old are physically fit. Though I am in England now & I agree that English teens here are much stronger & independent, look at M'sian boys & girls. How well-built they are? I am sure majority are skinny & not so tough. Come on, mate! Can can easily be carried wawy by the waves.
Set the limit as it is. Vacations or summer holidays in Chagar Hutang is just not the right destination. I am sure if the teens are keen to join, I really believe that I can always wait for few more years or so, if they really have the intension to help. CH is always there for them! CH would not vanish over night.
Hope my opinions make sense & strong enough to support Prof Chan's stand.
(Name Withheld)
Of course, your's truly, me, could not resist posting a reply to such bigoted nonsense. Here then is my reply to the group...
from :chi too (
date :Aug 9, 2007 10:04 AM
subject :Re: [seatru_volunteers] Re: Under-aged participants
dear friends, and friends of friends friends,
how amazingly bigoted... If such is the general regard held towards youths by us adults, it is no wonder that they end up becoming what we perceive them to be... rowdy, irresponsible, party animals that can't do shit.
There seem to be a completely unfair line of reasoning here.
premise 1 : some youngsters are irresponsible and useless
premise 2 : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate irresponsible and useless behaviour
conclusion : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate youngsters.
What is my point? well, I guess most people here are smart enough to figure out what I am getting at. But for those of you who don't and insist on me having a point. Here's my point then:
To simply deny young people such an enriching experience is not only unfair, but highly myopic. And I state again, I cannot imagine a better time for a person to be passionate about issues (be it social or pop) then when they are at that kick ass opinion forming rebellious 15-18 years old. And what is so wrong about being rebellious? How does one define rebellion? Smoking a cigarette? Cutting class? Disobeying unjust rules? Swearing? Standing up against authority? Having an opinion? (well, but then again, the school system would probably repress it and claim that opinion forming should be left to universities, and universities would then claim that students should concentrate on studying).
Yes, I understand that the SEATRU team is really busy with existing work and to take this into consideration would mean more work for everybody (in terms of setting up new policies and guidelines and etcetra)... but isn't that how work works? you have loads of it, and you find yourself put in a position where you take in more. I'm quite sure that mechanisms can be put in place to ensure that youngster interested in volunteering are the real mccoy.
Seriously, if youngsters really are so irresponsible and useless as Jason claims to be, I'm pretty sure that Prof would have never allowed the MKIS kids to come every year. Testimony that kids can do more than day patrols and sleep at night. I don't know about you, but when I was 15, all I wanted to do was to stay up late (and not sleep if allowed...)
I however, have a confession to make... I can't stand kids, especially youngsters, and I especially don't fancy having a 15 year old in Chagar Hutang with me. However, to deny a youngster such an enriching experience simply because of my own preferences is not only unfair and selfish, it reeks of elitism. I also believe that having no one to speak up on their behalf in this mailing group (any 15-17 year olds here? gimme a 'woot! woot!'), someone ought to. This is also what happens when one was rebellious as a teenager, we like to take complete opposite sides of popular opinions (even the ones i agree with) to see if such opinions are valid and reasonable, and is not merely a result of herd behaviour.
To end this exhaustively long e-mail, I would like to now form another line of reasoning based on (Name Withheld)'s methodology.
premise 1 : some people are irresponsible and useless
premise 2 : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate irresponsible and useless behaviour
conclusion : Chagar Hutang cannot tolerate people.
Thank you very much. I hope my opinions make sense and is strong enough to sway Prof Chan's stand.
Yang menjalankan tugas,
chi too
Just an old cynic who harbored desires to see a turtle since he was 12.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Hanging on to a sunbeam
Perhaps I should put it in a light-tight box
But it would still be dark inside.
Perhaps I should put it in a light-tight box
But it would still be dark inside.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
The Necessity Of Truth
Writing in darkness
Obscuring clarity
Oh the pity!
Despite the starkness
Preserving sanity
Oh so pretty!
An unnecesary necessity.
Obscuring clarity
Oh the pity!
Despite the starkness
Preserving sanity
Oh so pretty!
An unnecesary necessity.
Friday, August 03, 2007
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