Sunday, August 26, 2007

Post Number 200!

As the nation celebrates its 50th year of independence, I'd like to celebrate my 200th blog entry (though many would dispute that a number of my entries would not qualify as valid entries). For the past couple of days, I've been restraining myself from posting anything as I've resolved to ensure that this 200th one would be special and meaningful. It is not easy to not subject you, my imaginary reader (what I've always believe is a mere schizophrenic construction in my head) to my usual dose of random thoughts, non-thoughts, and brain farts. It takes a great deal of discipline to not post such single line blog entries such as 'encased in a logic proof plastic bag.' or 'drinking soup from the far end of the bowl'.

No, it was not easy. So much so that, for lack of material (and... and audience), I almost resorted to shutting down [tentative working title]. It's about due time anyway. When I first set up this blog, I gave myself 3 months before I'd start losing interest in it. It has been more than a year now ever since the end of that self imposed expiration date. But of course, back then I have failed to take into account a very important variable... that being my shameless narcissism.

Many have complaint over the year and a half my blog's been around that it lacks any sense of clarity, neither does it present you with an inkling of my day to day activities and thoughts. In response to this, I think the time is right to repost my first blog entry to emphasize once again the spirit of my blog... here goes...

It has appeared to me that over time, i've slowly lost my sense of clarity and i am now diving headlong into an obscure oblivion. I would attribute it to my inablility to make sense of my surroundings as my understanding of myself, the people, and the environment around me become more arcane; when in my search for the questions that haunt me, in demands for answers, i find myself bogged down by more questions whenever one gets answered. Every answer poses a thousand more questions.

Should I stop seeking? Should I stop questioning? Should I stop existing? Ironically, any answer to any of the above question will breed in itself more questions to ask myself.

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