Friday, June 16, 2006

"Bring Your Own Bag" by Quinn

A few weeks ago, Quinn and I chatted online about her writing assignment for her magazine's website in conjunction with World Environment Day. We chatted and lazy as she is (with a sheer stroke of genius), she cut and pasted the chat window (albeit some editing... i reckon you can't swear on magazines like this) for the article...
ps: article republished on this blog with prior permission from the author, P. Quinn.

B.Y.O.B. by P. Quinn

Let's mark World Environment Day by BYOB - that's Bringing Your Own Bag! Greetings, doctorjobbers, I work as a designer at GTI Specialist Publishers, the company behind this great newsletter.

I was assigned to design new carrier bags for our company recently. You see, we participate in a lot of events and need bags for people to put our magazines in.

On top of that, I had to whip something up real quick in conjunction with the World Environmental Day Special for June's RECESS. I desperately needed something to write I consulted a friend of mine, the plastik fantastik, who is truly fantastiko! This is how our conversation went...

click for larger readable image that won't require you to strain your eyes like crazy... and maybe you should stop reading this and click on the image now since I would probably babble on and on about nothing. Are you still reading this? Because if you are, I reckon you have a serious problem... one that can only be solved by clicking on this image. I am running out of things to type. You win.

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