Thursday, December 28, 2006

2 Yolks A Day Keeps Everything Away

I cracked an egg into the wok for a little sunny side up breakfast.
Oh what delight, 2 egg yolks I find.
A good omen?
Or maybe it merely means that they've fed the chicken fertility drugs.

Ahhh... cynicism will be the death of me.

However (there must always be a 'however')
I choose to believe in the former.
On a day like today,
I'll need all the luck I need.

1 comment:

lainieyeoh said... ate twins? my best friend, after many years, told me the mole under her eye was an absorbed twin from when they were in the womb.

which is kinda trippy. like. your twin may be dead, but damn she seeing everything through you.

limited experience...but still kinda trippy.