Saturday, December 23, 2006

A Letter To Penny

Dear Penny,

I hope this letter finds you in good shape. How are you doing? I am doing great if you want to know. The doctor told me that I'll be ready to leave in a couple of weeks if I keep up at this pace. If not for the grey that's painted on this sky above me, the doctor reckons that I could have left earlier. But it's alright, after so many months in this place, I'm beginning to like it already.

I've not heard from you for quite some time now. Are you alright? But then again, its probably because I've not written for so long now. I don't blame you for not writing. You can't keep on writing about how busy work is, and how you have no time for anything else all the time. Hey, don't be mistaken... I'm not saying that your letters are boring, If anything I would still like to receive your letters even if all you do is repeat yourself. All I'm saying is that I understand the predicament you are in and it is fine with me.

I've stopped hearing voices already and I sleep like a baby nowadays... even without medication. Over the past couple of weeks, I've developed some rather green fingers. Mr. Nathan, the caretaker of the center, has taken a liking to me and was sharing his passion of growing organic vegetables with me. He allocated a small little patch of land for me to grow my own vegetables. My cucumbers, carrots, cabbages, and brinjals are all growing real fine. The only problem is that, I probably won't be able to see them ripe... by then I'll be out of the center. Nonetheless, the gardening has done me lots of good. I've never felt so alive before, working the land is very hard work and I believe the work would be enough exercise to last me an entire life time.

I reckon I'll see you in a week or two. Would you still be busy then? I hope you are not as I am looking forward to spending time with you. I've seen you for so long now, I wonder if you look any different than before. Maybe you should come visit me once before I leave this place (somehow you've never visited me here), then you can lay your worries to rest and know that I am not in such a bad place after all. Maybe I'll show you my vegetable patch then.

I look forward to hearing from you...

from whom it may concern.

1 comment:

Collecting Moments said...

I hope this is not kit's penny